Aquatic Safety, Training, Audits
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How Trained and prepared are you ????

2010 brought about a new and exciting addition to what we can offer.  MedtechSCUBA offers 3rd party Aquatic Safety ConsultingSo what is that mean for you really ....   Have you ever wondered if you or your Lifeguard staff has been properly trained and ready for aquatic emergencies and proper response procedures.

20+ years of Aquatic supervision and experience

Now available to aquatic management, we can offer private, discrete onsite 3rd party reviews, audits, and training reviews tailored to your aquatic and Lifeguard staff.   To ensure the safety of aquatic patrons, private consulting can ensure you and your staff are professionally and properly trained and ready should an aquatic emergency occur.

We can offer the BLS requirements, Advanced Oxygen treatment, basic Lifeguard technique reviews and "surprise Audits" to help ensure the preparedness of your staff.

Striving to help improve Aquatic SAFETY, TRAINING, Professionalism, Prevention, and the important skills needed when emergencies occur



Our services are aimed at the local or independent smaller neighborhood pools. 

 Often smaller pools hire lifeguards during summer months and no formal skills or in-service is done.   This is where our services can prove helpful to you the property management or local neighborhood committee. Based on industry standards, reviews and audits can be performed to better equip and enable your guard staff to be at peak performance and training.

 Designed for facilities and pools that are not directly affiliated with the major lifeguard originations and audit programs.


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